Rae Beth


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The Nine Magical Ways


An enchantment is a word spell with a singing  quality in the words. You may indeed, sing or chant it, repeating it many times. And that is all you need do. In practice, you may add other kinds of magic, to increase the power. (For example, an invocation or else some kind of ritual action, such as the stirring of a herbal potion.) However, a straightforward enchantment, on its own, can be entirely effective, once you know how.

To make an enchantment, you must state what you require, in the form of poetry. This means using techniques such as rhyme, half-rhyme, rhythm and/or arrangement in stanzas. But you do not have to be a good poet, to create an enchantment that works. As literature, it can be quite poor, nothing more than a short jingle, really.

If, for example, you felt too oppressed by circumstances to do any serious, complex magic, you could use a quick enchantment, such as the following,

'Let me be free to cast a spell, without any harm, so all is well.
Like a bird upon the wing -
so let me fly and let me sing.'

(Repeat this, nine times or nine times nine, to gain the personal freedom to do magic.) As you can see, it has no literary merit whatsoever. But as a spell, it combines mild self-hypnosis (because it is rhythmic and because you repeat it) with a calling forth, inside yourself, of powers rooted in nature. The bird's mysterious capacity to make enchanting music and to fly free. These things set it apart as a spell, rather than simply a short and rather amateurish poem. (On the other hand, excellency as a poem does not mean that an arrangement of words has any real spell-casting power. There are a lot of first rate poems that have no magical merit and were not meant as spells, anyway.) Spells and poems have many techniques in common but there are big differences between the two. Successful poems can change our consciousness or our minds, uplift our spirits or bring about emotional catharsis. Poems can change our worldview and even our lives. But they are not meant to change events directly, whereas enchantments are. 

When using enchantment, first make sure that you will have peace and privacy. Then perform some simple ritual, such as lighting a candle in offering to spirits of healing magic. This draws near to you spirits who can assist with your work and also helps to put you into the right frame of mind.

When you feel relaxed and ready, recite or read your  spell out loud, dwelling upon the desired outcome and also willing it to be so. Traditionally, you are meant to repeat it at least three times, but can also work in multiples of three, such as nine or twenty seven. There are exceptions to this rule. For example, the incantation - to which we shall come later - has such a structure that power is built cumulatively with just one recital.

There is no need to have a special or perfect speaking or singing voice. But you may like to experiment to find the voice that best expresses your own particular magical style. You can speak, sing, or intone it all on one note or whisper or whatever feels most appropriate. Or even speak silently, in your mind. Whichever you choose to do, imagine that the words reverberate within psychic realms, to bring healing changes. It will be so.
And if you can't memorise very well, then read it from a handwritten version and keep the written work somewhere safe and private.

Here is an enchantment for anyone suffering from  mental troubles, depression, stress-linked illness or from feeling overwhelmed by problems. It can be used for a man, woman, child or for yourself. (Just change the pronouns as necessary.) When saying it for someone else, it is best to name them within the first stanza, e.g. 'Let John be well.'

Spell for the Healing of Stress-Related Illness

By the five elements,
let him be well.

By the wind,
well in thought, well in mind.

By sunlight,
make his will bright.

By water that’s clear,
free his heart of fear.

By sacred ground,
make his body sound.

By the spirit in all,
his whole self, whole.

Let the healing spirits of harmony 
restore him, So May It Be.

The five elements which this spell invokes are Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. And throughout the Earth, it seems that all native peoples who practice Earth-based religion (or who have done so in the past) may have evolved an understanding of elements, in some way. The systems vary somewhat, from place to place and time to time. (The Chinese, for instance, include wood and metal in their system but do not have air or spirit.) However, the basic idea (that there are the same elemental constituents in all life forms, though in varying blends) does seem to be universal. Calling upon the essences or spirits of elements is a widespread and very useful magical practice. Of course, it has nothing to do with elements as understood in chemistry.

In case you are wondering 'just where is sacred ground?', the answer is 'anywhere'. After all, everywhere and everyone is sacred because each place or creature is a unique child of Mother Earth.

Another way of explaining the magical theory that underlies enchantment goes like this. The creation of a word pattern even just by the use of a few rhymes, is rather like its visual equivalent, the mandala. A diagram that is drawn to change the consciousness of the person making it, in quite specific ways. The word pattern reorders and changes your state of mind or consciousness, by its hypnotic effect and because patterning suggests order and harmony, rather than chaos and distress. That means that the content, the meaning of those words, can then be delivered with maximum psychic impact. In other words, once you are in that state of heightened consciousness, you are enabled to change events or call on spirits to change them, by psychic means.

Of course, over-ambitious uses of magic by ill informed people can be quite dangerous. Enchantment, however, can be used safely by anyone. You are in charge. No-one else tells you what you should say. Therefore you can plan it most carefully. You have all the time in the world to think about it and reread your spells, before using them, ritually. You can work on them until the precise meaning is exactly right. This is not hard work. It is enjoyable, like the design of a garden or of any artefact that you are making. I repeat, you do not need great literary skill. You only need to make sure that the work is rhythmic and has one or two rhymes. And that, above all, the meaning is clear and good, with real healing intention.

Copyright © Rae Beth 2005

The right of Rae Beth to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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Published by Hexenpress
December 2005 (eBook)
52 pages


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