Stan Nicholls



Welcome to the Photo Of The Month Gallery.  I thought it was a good idea to make some of the various images I post in my monthly news updates more accessible by gathering them together in one place. I began posting a single monthly photo with the January 2019 News update.  The order I’m displaying the photos here is from earliest down to latest.

  • Gallery - Photo Of The Month
  • potm1
    # 1: JANUARY2019
  • potm2
    # 2: FEBRUARY 2019
  • potm3
    # 3: MARCH 2019
  • potm4
    # 4: APRIL 2019
  • potm5
    # 5: MAY 2019
  • potm6
    # 6: JUNE 2019
  • potm7b
    # 7: JULY 2019
  • potm8
    # 8: AUGUST 2019
  • potm9
    # 9: SEPTEMBER 2019
  • potm10
    # 10: OCTOBER 2019
  • potm11
    # 11: NOVEMBER 2019
  • potm12
    # 12: DECEMBER 2019
  • potm13
    # 13: JANUARY 2020
  • potm14
    # 14: FEBRUARY 2020
  • potm15a
    # 15: MARCH 2020
  • potm16
    # 16: APRIL 2020
  • potm17
    # 17: MAY 2020
  • potm18
    # 18: JUNE 2020
  • potm19
    # 19: JULY 2020
  • potm20
    # 20: AUGUST 2020
  • potm21
    # 21: SEPTEMBER 2020
  • potm22
    # 22: OCTOBER 2020
  • potm23
    # 23: NOVEMBER 2020
  • potm24
    # 24: DECEMBER 2020
  • potm25
    # 25: JANUARY 2021
  • potm26
    # 26: FEBRUARY 2021
  • potm27
    # 27: MARCH 2021
  • potm28
    # 28: APRIL 2021
  • potm29
    # 29: MAY 2021
  • potm30
    # 30: JUNE 2021
  • potm31
    # 31: JULY 2021
  • potm32
    # 32: AUGUST 2021
  • potm33
    # 33: SEPTEMBER 2021
  • potm34
    # 34: OCTOBER 2021
  • potm35
    # 35: NOVEMBER 2021
  • potm36
    # 36: DECEMBER 2021
  • potm37
    # 37: JANUARY 2022
  • potm38
    # 38: FEBRUARY 2022
  • potm39
    # 39: MARCH 2022
  • potm40
    # 40: APRIL 2022
  • potm41
    # 41: MAY 2022
  • potm42
    # 42: JUNE 2022
  • potm43
    # 43: JULY 2022
  • potm44
    # 44: AUGUST 2022
  • potm45
    # 45: SEPTEMBER 2022
  • potm46
    # 46: OCTOBER 2022
  • potm47
    # 47: NOVEMBER 2022
  • potm48
    # 48: DECEMBER 2022
  • potm49
    # 49: JANUARY 2023
  • potm50
    # 50: FEBRUARY 2023
  • potm51
    # 51: MARCH 2023
  • potm52
    # 52: APRIL 2023
  • potm53
    # 53: MAY 2023
  • potm54
    # 54: June 2023
  • potm55
    # 55: July 2023
  • potm56
    # 56: August 2023
  • potm57
    # 57: September 2023
  • potm58
    # 58: October 2023
  • potm59
    # 59: November 2023
  • potm60
    # 60: December 2023
  • potm61
    # 61: January 2024
  • potm62
    # 62: February 2024
  • potm63
    # 63: March 2024
  • potm64
    # 64: April 2024
  • potm65
    # 65: May 2024
  • potm66
    # 66: June 2024
  • potm67
    # 67: July 2024

Here’s what I said when I posted that first photo at the beginning of 2019:

I should stress that I’m a writer, not a photographer, except in an amateur snapper sense.  But once in a while fortune favours perseverance and a reasonable photo results.  So I thought I’d post one a month, just for the hell of it.

It seems to me that there’s a kind of affinity between playing with words and playing with pictures.  For me, photography started to make some kind of sense when I looked at a subject and thought, “What’s the story here?”  Not unlike having an idea for a piece of fiction and posing the same question to yourself.  And I have a fairly “visual” imagination when writing, in that if I can inwardly “see” a scene I can usually depict it.  So there’s a sort of connection.

Where possible I’ll post photos relevant to the season holding sway in the month of the update.


© Stan Nicholls

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