Welcome to the Photo Of The Month Gallery. I thought it was a good idea to make some of the various images I post in my monthly news updates more accessible by gathering them together in one place. I began posting a single monthly photo with the January 2019 News update. The order I’m displaying the photos here is from earliest down to latest.
Here’s what I said when I posted that first photo at the beginning of 2019:
I should stress that I’m a writer, not a photographer, except in an amateur snapper sense. But once in a while fortune favours perseverance and a reasonable photo results. So I thought I’d post one a month, just for the hell of it.
It seems to me that there’s a kind of affinity between playing with words and playing with pictures. For me, photography started to make some kind of sense when I looked at a subject and thought, “What’s the story here?” Not unlike having an idea for a piece of fiction and posing the same question to yourself. And I have a fairly “visual” imagination when writing, in that if I can inwardly “see” a scene I can usually depict it. So there’s a sort of connection.
Where possible I’ll post photos relevant to the season holding sway in the month of the update.
© Stan Nicholls
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